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Rialto, Ca, United States

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happy 55th Birthday, Dad!!!

Tonight the church actually pulled off a surprise birthday party for Bro. Booker. It was a GREAT success and a WONDERFUL turnout! And to top it all off his pastor, Bro and Sis Moss, were in service with us!

The service went as normal until RYC got up to sing. They started out a song that talked about pastors being given to us..and at the end it said..."And we just want to say"...and then they started in "Happy Birthday"..Bro. Booker was QUITE surprised!!! After that there was an old tape of Bro. and Sis. Booker played. They were singing and it was quite funny! There was also a slideshow presented, which was put together by Phillip. He did an EXCELLENT job!! The church and Sis Booker purchased a BEAUTIFUL marble chess table for Bro. Booker. After service we had a party for him in the fellowship hall.

I stole my centerpiece idea from pictures I saw on Sis. Elms blog. They were from Bro. and Sis. Jonathan Elms installation service I believe it was.
Hope you don't mind, Sis. Elms =)

I decorated the fellowship hall in chocolate brown, lime green and white...it was very festive and alot of fun!

All in all it went VERY well! Enjoy the pictures below!


Jana McVay said...

You did an awesome job decorating! Bro. Booker was indeed VERY surprised when the pretty song RYC was singing turned into Happy Birthday! They brought that off very well!!! LOL The whole party was a nice celebration of our wonderful Pastor! Kudos to Holly and her team who put it together!!

I had tears in my eyes when Bro. Booker just kept sitting there, stunned, and weeping!! We are blessed with a Godly Pastor who is very humble (in fact, he pointed out that he was the most humble one there last night...LOL) and I thank God for him!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! It looks like it was MARVELOUS! I'm so sorry I wasn't there - but I was praying that it would turn out well. Thanks Katie, for all your hard work - looks like you did a fantastic job. (And, stayed under budget - you're a wonder!).

Bro. Booker deserves all this and more. It makes my heart sing that he was genuinely surprised, and enjoyed his birthday celebration. It was worth it all!

Love Ya! Miss You!


Linda Elms said...

Beautiful job, Katie and Happy Birthday to Bro. Booker!

Linda Elms said...

Ohhhhh!!!! Of course, I didn't mind you using the ideas from my blog. LOL!