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Rialto, Ca, United States

Thursday, February 7, 2008

And the next one is.....

I went and had my diagnostic ultrasound done today, and I am pleased to announce that we are having another.................BOY!!!!!! We are all very happy!!!


Linda Elms said...


Karen J. Hopper said...


Rachel R said...

Out of all the women I know who've had, or are having babies this year (which is quite a handful) - they are all boys with one exception. 2008 must be the year of boys!

Very exciting!!!

Jana McVay said...

Just what you were hoping for!! Yeah!! No TV this time tho! LOL That one is already taken! Hmmmm...got to start thinking about what to call him! I am sure he will be as handsome as Weed (aka Logan-growing like a...) is! And princess T can lug him around like a baby doll and boss him REAL good! LOL

Amy St. Pierre said...

Congrats Katie! Having one of each already is wonderful, so it doesn't matter what the third is...I am still not sure if I want to find out what ours is...

Vonney said...

Congrats! What fun!!!! I always said that if I had another one (which I am not wanting at this point) I would want it to be a boy. That way everyone will feel special - The Oldest, The Girl, The Youngest... (Eliminate the 'Middle Child Syndrome'... lol) (;

Jarron said...

update your blog for Pete's sake!!!

Jarron said...

btw, call him "Jarron". has a good "ring" to it.

Erica Rose said...

Katie please don't call him Jarron or else the other individual of whom already bears the name will have to deal with the spirit of Pride! I'm so happy for you!!!! I knew you wanted a boy! AWWW!!! I'm so excited. Logan will love having a baby brother! Trystan probably won't know what to do without the attention!!! Lol. Awww this makes me so happy lol

Unknown said...

Congrats Katie!! I'm soo happy for you guys! Love you and miss you bunches!

Nancy said...


~Nancy Rogers

PJ said...


That's a good name...

He's sure to be smart and good looking...

Amy St. Pierre said...

Ok, Katie, update time! Unless that nausea is still attacking you??? I am just about done my first trimester and ugh, I can't wait till the nausea is gone! It better go!

iluv2prshim said...

Congrats to you and Phillip on another boy. Fun! Fun! Fun!