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Rialto, Ca, United States

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My kiddos...

Here are a couple of pictures I took...while lying in bed of course..of my two wonderful kids! They are both such dolls!! Yes I am bragging about my kids. They are the best in the world...lots of fun, full of ENERGY, and a pure joy!
I love you Logan and Trystan!!! Can't wait for your baby brother to get here to join you in all of your "Escapades!!"


Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking time to share the pictures of Logan and tristan...She is you made over. they both are the cutest. they are in a learning process now that will make their life sweeter as they grow up.
We are praying foryou all. think about you so much.
We love you all.
Poppy and NaMa

Anonymous said...

I love these kiddos too!


Karen J. Hopper said...

Logan seems to have the patience of gold. Now Tristan seems to be a different story, but does she ever look like you when you were young. Thanks for sharing.

Katie Booker said...

Poppy & Nama,
I keep hearing that Trystan is just like me...that is scary =) She definitely has my personality. We love you both!

You're a great auntie!!! Logan and Trys love Ha Hee!!

Sis Hopper,
You nailed my kids personalities to a T! Overall Logan is fairly mellow. Trystan is a WHOLE other story..but I guess thats what keeps life interesting.