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Rialto, Ca, United States

Friday, February 20, 2009

Noah's Ark...Or something like that

So yesterday I was contacted by a lady asking if I could make a cake with the theme Noah's Ark...
I was VERY confident to her that I could DEFINITELY pull it off...but as soon as I sent the email to her I thought, WHAT ON EARTH AM I THINKING! =)

Well, after working for 5 hours straight...here is what I came up with.
Again, everything is edible...even the Rainbow!
The lady requested a cake and cupcakes! I hope she likes them!!!


Unknown said...

I am truly impressed with your creativity with this one...I would have told the lady, "NO, I can't do a Noah's Ark theme," and been done with the discussion. LOL

Love the graham cracker gang plank and the chocolate molded AMINALS!!!

Good job!!!

Girly Muse said...

wow, katie! this is SO impressive!!! you're doing so well. truly a gift! way to go. :)

Amy St. Pierre said...

Awwww, Katie, you are really amazing! The animals are so sweet!

Jarron said...

who eats these?

April Renee said...

Cute idea!
I would of never of thought of it!!!

Karen J. Hopper said...

Very clever. How do you ever find the time for such delightful creations?

Melissa said...

Katie, Have you ever been on the website cakewrecks.com? It is dedicated to showing how professional cake decorators make funny and sometimes disasterous mistakes (very funny), but on Sundays this lady showcases truly delightful works of art created by both professional and non-professional decorators. I think you would enjoy seeing some of the amazing creations, and I wouldn't be suprised if some of the cakes you're creating didn't end up on her Sunday post (definately not as a cake wreck!! just wanted to clarify that!lol) I will say, however, that this blog is obviously not a Christian blog, so some of the comments that readers leave can be a bit low class in the language department: Read the comments left by readers on that site with discreation. But the cakewrecks will have you literally laughing out loud and the Sunday showcase will inspire you (there are also links to other bakeries and even some how-to guides!) I so enjoy seeing the artwork you create with the cakes. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

You did a great job. Aunt Joyce would be sooo proud.

Are you going to Grandma b-day party this weekend. If so I will dee you there.

Love you very much