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Rialto, Ca, United States

Saturday, June 14, 2008

He Took The Shackles Off My Feet....But I Promise Not To Dance

I finally broke free of "House Arrest" today. I've gotten out a few, VERY few times since I've been on bedrest. I went to Kristy Rowell's (Clark)wedding, I was out for maybe 2.5 hours, I went out for Logan's school graduation ceremony, I was only out for maybe 2 hours, and I went out for Patrick Garrett's graduation party, and I was only out for 2 hours then also!
Today tho, I was out ALL DAY LONG!

What is the reason for the "Jail Break"?
................................I TURNED 30 TODAY!!!.................................

Does this mean I have to be responsible now?

So, last night Phillip told me not to make any plans because he was doing something for me for my birthday.
Well my suprise was going to Pat and Holly's house for a wonderful dinner cooked by 2 wonderful people!
Holly had the house decorated with balloons and signs saying, "Happy Birthday Katie", "You are entering the birthday zone" etc.
Patrick manned the grill, and Holly made some yummy side dishes.
To top it all off, she made a Texas Sheet Cake and Rice Krispy Treats!
We had a total blast!!!!
Thank you Patrick and Holly for making my day special! (I can't believe we didn't take any pictures!!)

Today I woke up and Phillip & the kids took me out for breakfast. While we were eating, I got a phone call from my mom wishing me a Happy Birthday! She then proceeded to ask if we would be home around 4:00 today. I said..Probably. She said, "OK good. Me & Dad and Poppy & Nama Baglin are heading down there to be with you on your B-Day."
I was TOTALLY SUPRISED...and VERY HAPPY!!!!! Poppy & Nama called Mom this morning and asked if they would like to go for a drive. Mom said SURE. So Dad headed home from work and they were off to see us!

After eating we went to Big Lots to find some gardening stuff. I wandered around the store...not quite sure how to act. Being out in public again is SCARY!!! =)

We came home and I sat in the pool with the kids while Phillip did stuff around the backyard.

Dad, Mom, Poppy & Nama showed up at 4:00...we went to eat dinner at 5:30. The gang got back in the car around 7:00 and headed back home to Fresno/Kerman! They are UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Thank you so much to ALL of you for coming to see me and for making my day extra special!
Thank you Poppy & Nama for the dinner!
We love you all!!!

After we left all of them we went to Home Depot. I drove around in a little motorized cart ( I love those things!!!) People probably thought, "Look at that fat, lazy, pregnant lady" lol...but I didn't care!
We bought a couple more trees for our backyard and some red paint!

As I am typing, Phillip is painting our main bathroom. He is an INCREDIBLE man!!
Thank you, Baby, for making my birthday very special! I love you so much!!!
(Phillip is repainting the bathroom, buying me some chairs to go around the pool, and a new umbrella for our patio table for my birthday!)

SO, here I sit, back in bed....definitely paying for my day out...contractions and exhaustion...but it was SOOOO worth it!
You only turn 30 once in your life! Might as well enjoy it! =)

And I'm going to church tomorrow night...for the first time in almost 8 weeks!!!

Oh...BTW.....we decided on a name tonite.
It was funny, we were booking our trip to Tulsa, OK for the PEAK conference in August, and realized...we can't book the baby on the flight unless we have his name. So, we sat down, laughing and throwing names back and forth.
We finally came up with...........(DRUM ROLL)



Karen J. Hopper said...

Happy Belated Birthday Katie. Looks like you had a wonderful day filled with love.

Sarrah D. said...

Happy Birthday! I am glad you had such a wonderful day. The food looked so good :)

Amy St. Pierre said...

Happy Birthday and welcome to the wonderful(ugh)world of 30! Mine was last year and wasn't as bad as I thought but still, 30...lol! Glad you are up, now hopefully, I can make it through my bed rest period...10 weeks until my due date! Sigh...

Jarron said...

riley? what happened to jarron? :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday. So glad that you were able to get out and about a little. Hope you also had a great time at church.

Anonymous said...

Belated happy 30th!! You have officially crossed over to the "Land of Middle-aged". :-)

Anyway, happy birthday!

Kellee Hopper

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday, Katie! I didn't realize our birthdays were so close. Mine was June 6, although I am a year older! I love the name for the new baby, too. Very cute.