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Rialto, Ca, United States

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pray Saints Pray

Well I go in to my dr again tomorrow at 9:00 am. Hopefully he will be a very nice man and tell me I can have this little man SOON! (My definition of soon would be tomorrow night lol)
I have finally come to grips with the realization that God has everything under control. DUH...lol
I now realize that no matter how much planning, strategic thinking, hoping, convincing, begging I do for this child to be born...when God's timing is right..it will happen. Nothing I do can change that.
I look back now and think..what if Riley had been born last weekend. His lungs would NOT have been developed. I would be home by now and he would not. I would have to be spending days and nights up at the hospital visiting my baby.
THANK GOD he is still safe inside my belly, growing & developing like he needs to!

I will keep you posted....and let's all hope and pray that I get good news tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Praying God's will, in Jesus' name! Hoping you get the answer you want but know that you will be okay if it is still wait because that will be God's will.

Jarron said...

I still think you should post an approval rating poll for the name.lol

Kari Morgan said...

Hi Katie! Thanks for posting on my blog-that was sweet! Yeah that little guy will be here before you know it. I know waiting is the PITS-Chandler was 2 weeks late and my dr wouldn't do a thing. I was miserable.
I know how you're feeling but you're right God knows best!
I love his name...its adorable and goes well with Logan and Trystan!
Happy pushing!

Kari Morgan said...

Oh my word...I just looked at Philips rendition of this ordeal. Hilarious to say the least-he doesn't like hospitals I take it?
Well, soon all this will be over and you'll be getting back to normal, or what will be your new norm anyway with a 3rd kiddo!

Monica Hassas said...

You poor thing. From the pics, it sure looks like you have been through quite an ordeal. You and your family are in my prayers.