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Rialto, Ca, United States

Thursday, August 21, 2008

CEC and Lego Day at the Garretts

The week before we left for PEAK, Holly and I took all of the kids to Chuck E. Cheese for a day of fun.

When we got home from PEAK, Logan was missing his friends, Zack and Ian, DEARLY, so he went over to their house and they had a LEGO day in Holly's Kitchen!

Enjoy the pictures!


Karen J. Hopper said...

Two of kids favorite things: Chuck E. Cheese and LEGOs. Oh to be young again! My grandson is an avid LEGO supporter. I have to look at the instructions time and time again - Preston just zaps them together. I'm sure Logan does the same.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. Enjoyed the pics and post. Glad you had a good time. I admire you taking 3 little ones toBible Quiz. Bless Philip!

Logan looks more like his grandpa Booker all the time. Hope he has his spirit too.

We love you. think about you, pray for you.

Riley is adorable and growing. Trystan is a doll.
Would love to give her a big hug.

Poppy and Nama