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Rialto, Ca, United States

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Guess Who's Turning 1!!!

Yesterday we celebrated Trystan's 1st Birthday!
We had her party at our house and it was a GREAT success!
She was an absolute doll.
I can't believe she is one already! WOW...where does the time go???
She did so good opening gifts but when it came time for the birthday cake....well I'll just let you watch the video and judge for yourself!
Everyone shared her cake....

You are our "Princess"

Enjoy the pictures and PLEASE watch the video clip. You won't want to miss it!!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Trystan. She is beautiful, Katie. I love how she tore up that cake. Too Cute.

Linda Elms said...

Absolutely PRECIOUS! I loved this video of your "princess". She's a doll!

Melissa said...

Oh, my goodness, I don't think I have ever seen a kid tear up a cake like that! Except maybe Dallas. How precious. Happy Birthday, Princess Trystan, from the Reighards.

ro said...

ooohh!!!!! cute girl!!!

Anonymous said...

That looked like a lot of fun! Trystan is a doll! Trevin and Taylor would not even come close in a 1st birthday cake eating contest! Way to go Trystan!