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Rialto, Ca, United States

Saturday, January 12, 2008

"Please Forgive Me"....

I have once again let my reading audience down! What a horrible example of a blogger I have been! I repent of my bad blogging ways and I do intend to make a right turn and get back to the faithful blogging of the past!

Our lives have been flying since December! We had a WONDERFUL Christmas this year with family! God was so good to all of us and blessed us once again with a great Christmas!
Logan was such a blast to watch open all his presents! He is a BIG boy now and so he got his first BIG boy bike! NO TRAINING WHEELS!!! He loves his bike! He also got a very cool cap gun riffle! Every boy needs a gun!!...or in Logans case...16 guns!
Trystan was a TOTAL doll opening all of her present! She LOVED tearing the paper apart and seeing what was inside! She even started opening other peoples presents if she didn't feel they were moving quick enough!
I'm so thankful for both of my children, my wonderful husband and the extended family on both sides! God has TRUELY TRUELY blessed me!

New Years eve was alot of fun. We went over to some friends house and had a potluck and played games until midnight! When midnight HIT, everyone in the neighborhood KNEW it! All of the kids at the house (which was probably about 15) had pots, pans, lids, spoons, forks...whatever made noise and they banged and SCREAMED at the top of thier lungs for probably 15 minutes! It was QUITE insane!

Yesterday was a GREAT event for us. We got a phone call on Thursday night at 11 pm that Erica and Joel were heading to the hospital. Erica's water had broke...and the baby boy was on his way!!! We just KNEW that we would be getting a phone call in the middle of the night saying, "Hurry, come down..he's almost here!!!" Well, it never happened...neither did it happen on Friday morning. We waited all afternoon and finally went and picked up Logan from school at 2:30 and headed over to the hospital! Needless to say...Baby Booker did not make his appearance until 9:15 or so LAST NITE!!!! Poor Erica, she was having SUCH a rough time! But I can only imagine how she must feel today....He is a TOTAL doll!!!! Absolutely BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT in every way! He was 6lbs and 10oz. 19 inches long!!! And don't ask me his name...because as of last nite...they still weren't sure! =)

My other sister in law, Sarah, is going in on Wednesday night at midnight to be induced for her delivery! She is expecting another little girl! So, next Thursday we will be doing the whole hospital thing all over again!

Needless to say...the Booker household is growing in LEAPS and BOUNDS!!! We have all joked that Bro. Steve Pixler would be very proud of the Booker's....we are producing a "Quiver Full"!!!

......................And I too am Pregnant again!


Karen J. Hopper said...

Congratulations! I am sure Trystan will play the little mother when baby gets here. Tell your folks hello. With love, Sis Hopper

Linda Elms said...

So glad you all had a wonderful Christmas...and CONGRATULATIONS on the new little one that is "on it's way"!

Amy St. Pierre said...

Congrats Katie, you must be thrilled! Your babies are beautiful! God bless!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new family member. I am very happy for you. It was also nice to be with you guys for a little while at PJ's party.

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! I get to be the first to say... CONGRATULATIONS on the latest addition to your gorgeous family. I can't wait to meet the next Booker. I am LOVIN' this Auntie thing - it suits me just fine.

May the next few months pass quickly and without ANY complications. And - anytime you need some Pink, just give a little whistle...

Love YOU, Love your kids...


Katie Booker said...

Sis. Hopper,
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I have visited yours often! I will relay the message on to my parents! I would love to see pictures of your grandbabies..as I am sure they are huge and BEAUTIFUL!

Sis Elms,
Thank you so much for the congrats! It was quite a shocker
for us but we are very happy!

Thank you so much..and I have to agree..I'm quite prejudice..my kids are beautiful! =)

Thanks!! We did enjoy being with all of you too! Your house is "TO DIE FOR!"

Auntie Holly,
We love you too!!!! I think "Pink" is gonna be my craving for this pregnancy! And if I do go on bedrest again this time...well I'll just ask for an IV of Pink!

Jana McVay said...

WOW!!!! Go Katie!! Congratulations! A quiver full indeed!!!!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

... And I could accomodate that request! One PINK IV, comin' up.

It will have to be one HUGE needle to get the blueberries through!!


Jana McVay said...

Congratulations!! A quiver full indeed!!

An infusion of pink, or even IV form would do, don't you think? LOL

Love ya!

(By the way, I posted a comment a sec ago and it went *POOF* and disappeared...if it shows up, just delete it!)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! On the soon coming little Booker.

Vonney said...

Congrats are in order! Looks like the Bookers are starting off the New Year with a bang! (All of them.. lol) (: Lots of little munchkins to look forward to! (:

Sheramy said...


PJ said...


I wrote a special "Katie-Flavored" tribute to you, in honor of the new addition, over at www.MyndFood.com...

Rachel R said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! Exciting times... :o) I hope it goes well for you.

Rachel (Laura's sis) ;o)

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie,
Congrats on the new one. I am happy for you. What a suprise. That is so cool!!!
Love, Janelle

Anonymous said...

Hey - time for Auntie Katie to post pictures of BOTH Trenton and new addition to Larry and Sarah, Elayna!!! Come on...be a good Auntie!!

Katie Booker said...

Sorry Anon,
I leave that for the new momma's to do. I will post pictures of my new neice and nephew once the moms have got to show them off to everyone first!

Anonymous said...

Problem is, the new moms don't have blogs!!! So how are we supposed to see the babies??? Hmmmm, auntie Katie? LOL

Katie Booker said...

Well, I guess we will just have to wait for them to make their first church appearance...
And if you don't go to our church then I will post pics after this grand occassion! =)

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie, I just read about your upcoming addition & almost squealed out loud! I'm SO happy for you!! Sis R. Garrett